Sunday, January 10, 2010


                           Hyper-Threading technology is a groundbreaking innovation from Intel that enables multi-threaded server software applications to execute threads in parallel within each processor in a server platform. The Intel® Xeon™ processor family uses Hyper-Threading technology, along with the Intel® NetBurst™ microarchitecture, to increase compute power and throughput for today’s Internet, e-Business, and enterprise server applications. This level of threading technology has never been seen before in a general-purpose microprocessor. Hyper-Threading technology helps increase transaction rates, reduces end-user response times, and enhances business productivity providing a competitive edge to e-Businesses and the enterprise. The Intel® Xeon™ processor family for servers represents the next leap forward in processor design and performance by being the first Intel® processor to support thread-level parallelism on a single processor.
                         Hyper-Threading technology is a form of simultaneous multi-threading technology (SMT), where multiple threads of software applications can be run simultaneously on one processor. This is achieved by duplicating the architectural state on each processor, while sharing one set of processor execution resources. The architectural state tracks the flow of a program or thread, and the execution resources are the units on the processor that do the work: add, multiply, load, etc.Dual-processing (DP) server applications in the areas of Web serving, search engines, security, streaming media, departmental or small business databases, and e- mail/file/print can realize benefits from Hyper-Threading technology using Intel® Xeon™ processor-based servers.

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