Thursday, January 14, 2010

Computer Clothing

                          There is a major movement going on in the electronics and computer industries to develop wearable devices for what’s being called Post-PC era. We are now at the dawn of that era and some of these devices are already making their way to the consumer market .Computerized clothes will be the next step in making computers and devices portable without having to strap electronics into our body. These digital clothes will able to perform some of the PC functions. These devices are small in size and portable. This apparel can be used to read our heart rate and breathing. The LED monitors could even be integrated into this apparel to display text and images.

Wearable computer comprises of a computer built within an ordinary clothing. This transformation allows it to be worn constantly, with the goal of becoming a seamless extension of body and mind. Equipped with various sensors which measure heart rate, respiration, footstep rate etc, the apparatus can function as a personal safety device for reducing crime, as well as personal health monitor for improving health care by encouraging individuals to take an active role in diagnosis and body maintenance. The ‘wearable computer’ apparatus is embedded within nontransparent clothing which provides shielding. Electronic circuits are built entirely out of textiles to distribute data and power and perform touch sensing. These circuits are passive components sewn from conductive yarns as well as conventional components to create interactive electronic devices, such as musical keyboards and graphic input surfaces.

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6 comments: on "Computer Clothing"

Anonymous said...

plz send ppt for it.

Anonymous said...

please upload ppts of this topic....

Anonymous said...

plz send a ppt.need it urgently

varsha said...
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varsha said...

i a need ppt for dat... can u help me on dis....

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