Sunday, January 10, 2010

Symbian OS

                          Symbian OS is the operating system licensed by the world's leading mobile phone manufacturers. Symbian OS is designed for the specific requirements of open, data-enabled 2G, 2.5G and 3G mobile phones. Symbian OS is already available in the Ericsson R380, Sony-Ericsson P800, the Nokia 9200 Communicator series, Nokia 7650 etc…

Symbian OS is characterised by:
  •  Integrated multimode mobile telephony – Symbian OS integrates the power of computing with mobile telephony, bringing advanced data services to the mass market 
  •  Open application environment – Symbian OS enables mobile phones to be a platform for deployment of applications and services (programs and content) developed in a wide range of languages and content formats 
  •  Open standards and interoperability – With a flexible and modular implementation, Symbian OS provides a core set of application programming interfaces (APIs) and technologies that is shared by all Symbian OS phones. Key industry standards are supported
  •  Multi-tasking – Symbian OS is based on a micro kernel architecture and implements full multi-tasking and threading. System services such as telephony, networking middleware and application engines all run in their own processes
  •  Fully Object-oriented and component based – The operating system has been designed from the ground up with mobile devices in mind, using advanced OO techniques, leading to a flexible component based architecture
  •  Flexible user interface design – By enabling flexible graphical user interface design on Symbian OS, Symbian is fostering innovation and is able to offer choice to manufacturers, carriers, enterprises and end-users. Using the same core operating system in different designs also eases application porting for third party developers .

   Download :     Full Report (.doc)

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