Thursday, January 14, 2010

corDECT Wireless in Local Loop System

                          Telecom infrastructure is a key catalyst for economic growth, and is one of the key focus areas for infrastructure development in developing countries. Telecom growth in these countries is hampered by the high capital cost of telecom equipment. There is a requirement for new telecom systems to be developed, keeping in view the affordability and the services required in these countries. corDECT is one such product, which is designed to be affordable to the common man in the developing economies, and provides all the services that is expected from a state-of-the-art telecom network.

corDECT is based on ETSI's DECT air interface standard and supports toll quality voice, voice band FAX / DATA, and, above all, a facility to simultaneously provide 35/70 KBPS of internet connectivity. The corDECT subscriber terminal has two interfaces, one for the standard two-wire telephone, so that a subscriber can connect any standard telephone FAX / MODEM / payphone, and an Internet port for connecting directly to a computer's serial ports without a modem. The subscriber has virtually two lines, one dedicated for Internet and the other for voice / FAX / payphone / data. The best part of corDECT is that both these lines can be used simultaneously.

The corDECT system has all the features of an Exchange (switch). corDECT exchange caters to 1000 lines, and can be connected to the PSTN on standard interfaces like V5.2. A key feature of the corDECT Switch is that it has a built-in RAS to segregate all the Internet traffic from the voice traffic and the Internet traffic is taken directly to the ISP Router. This prevents the Internet traffic from congesting the telephone network.

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