Monday, January 11, 2010


                          An electromagnetic azimuthally symmetric surface wave driven plasma column is formed in a 35 cm long and 3 cm diameter glass tube with the help of a 100 to 400 watt radio frequency (RF) source operating between 3.7 MHz and 32 MHz. Plasma column is formed with different gases such as argon, air, nitrogen and oxygen. It is observed that plasma density decreases away from the RF exciter, placed at one end of the glass tube. It is also observed that the plasma column acts as a monopole antenna. By changing external operating parameters, plasma column is transformed to finite number of cylindrical or spherical striations and other structures (helical or spiral) only in the case of argon gas, during experiment. It is shown that the distribution of induced current with surface wave changes with the structure of plasma column. It is observed that all these
structures of plasma column perform as antenna. Each cylindrical striation acts as small plasma column having surface wave induced current and act as an antenna.
It is termed as antenna element or radiating element of array plasma antenna. Various parameters of antenna elements are studied. Experimental results are
discussed in this paper.

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Saleel said...

plz send power point presentation of this subject

saurabh said...

need a power point presentation of plasma antenna....send at

Unknown said...

i would really be very grateful to you people if u please send me a power-point presentation on PLASMA ANTENNAS as soon as possible at OR

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