Monday, January 18, 2010

Light Tree

                          The concept of light tree is introduced in a wavelength routed optical network
which employs wavelength -division multiplexing (WDM).A light tree is a point to point multipoint all optical channel, which may span multiple fiber links. Hence, a light tree enables single-hop communication between a source node and a set of destination nodes. Thus, a light tree based virtual topology can significantly reduce the hop distance, thereby increasing the network throughput. A light path is an all-optical channel, which may be used to carry circuit switched traffic, and it may span multiple fiber links. Assigning a particular wavelength to it sets these up. We refer light tree as a point to multi point extension of light path. In the near future, WANs will be based on WDM optical networks. So far, all architectures that have been proposed for WDM WANs have only considered the problem of providing unicast services. In addition to unicast services future WDM WANs need to provide multicast and broadcast services. A novel WDM WAN architecture based on light trees that are capable of supporting broadcasting and multicasting over a wide-area network by employing a minimum number of opto-electronic devices was discussed. Such WDMWAN can provide a very high bandwidth optical layer, which efficiently routes unicast, broadcast and multicast packet-switch traffic.

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