Sunday, January 17, 2010

Page Rank

                          The interest of a Web page is strictly related to its content and to the subjective
readers’ cultural background, a measure of the page authority can be provided that only
depends on the topological structure of the Web. PageRank is a noticeable way to attach a
score to Web pages on the basis of the Web connectivity. In this seminar, I present inside PageRank to disclose its fundamental properties concerning stability, complexity of computational scheme, and critical role of parameters involved in the computation. The role of graphical structure of the Web is thoroughly investigated and some theoretical results which highlight a number of interesting properties of PageRank are established. And then I explain the notion of energy, which simply represents the sum of the PageRank for all pages of a given community, and propose a general circuit analysis that allows us to understand the distribution of PageRank. In addition, the derived energy balance equations make it possible to understand the way different Web communities interact each other, the role of dangling pages (pages with no outlinks), and the secrets for promotion of Web pages. After that I explain about convergence and different optimization techniques.

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