Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fuel Energizer

                           In this era of increasing fuel prices, here a device called ‘FUEL
ENERGIZER’ help us to Reduce Petrol /Diesel /Cooking gas  consumption up to 28%, or in other words this would equal to buying the fuel up to 28% cheaper prices. When fuel flow through powerful magnetic field created by Magnetizer Fuel Energizer, The hydrocarbons change their orientation and molecules in them change their configuration. Result: Molecules get realigned, and actively into locked with oxygen during combustion to produce a near complete burning of fuel in combustion chamber.

Generally fuels for internal combustion engine is compound of molecules. Each molecule consists of a number of atoms made up of number of nucleus and electrons, which orbit their nucleus. Magnetic movements already exist in their molecules and they therefore already
have positive and negative electrical charges. However these molecules have not been realigned, the fuel is not actively inter locked with oxygen during combustion, the fuel molecule or hydrocarbon chains must be ionized and realigned. The ionization and realignment is achieved
through the application of magnetic field created by ‘Fuel Energizer’.

   Download :     Full Report (.doc)

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