Thursday, January 14, 2010

Virtual Surgery

                          Rapid change in most segments of the society is occurring as a result of increasingly more sophisticated, affordable and ubiquitous computing power. One clear example of this change process is the internet, which provides interactive and instantaneous access to information that must scarcely conceivable only a few years ago.Same is the case in the medical field. Adv in instrumentation, visualisation and monitoring have enabled continual growth in the medical field. The information revolution has enabled fundamental changes in this field. Of the many disciplines arising from this new information era, virtual reality holds the greatest promise. The term virtual reality was coined by Jaron Lanier, founded of VPL research, in the late 1980’s. Virtual reality is defined as human computer interface that simulate realistic environments while enabling participant interaction, as a 3D digital world that accurately models actual environment, or simply as cyberspace.

Virtual reality is just beginning to come to that threshold level where we can begin using Simulators in Medicine the way that the Aviation industry has been using it for the past 50 Years — to avoid errors.In surgery, the life of the patient is of utmost importance and surgeon cannot experiment on the patient body. VR provide a good tool to experiment the various complications arise during surgery.

Virtual surgery, in general is a Virtual Reality Technique of simulating surgery procedure, which help Surgeons improve surgery plans and practice surgery process on 3D models. The simulator surgery results can be evaluated before the surgery is carried out on real patient. Thus helping the surgeon to have clear picture of the outcome of surgery. If the surgeon finds some errors, he can correct by repeating the surgical procedure as many number of times and finalising the parameters for good surgical results. The surgeon can view the anatomy from wide range of angles. This process, which cannot be done on a real patient in the surgery, helps the surgeon correct the incision, cutting, gain experience and therefore improve the surgical skills.

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