Thursday, January 28, 2010


                           Is your car or a vehicle stolen or is it not visible in the thickest snow or is one among the several cars present? Do you wa nt to know the arrival of the bus for which you are waiting? Are your children going alone in a vehicle and you want to track their moments? Does your cargo consists of costly load and want to protect them? Do you want to keep track of your little playing kids about where they are?

ANS: Automatic Vehicle Locator. This Paper gives us a novel approach of using certain GPS technology in tracking not only vehicles, but even children and to protect precious goods. So this technology has gained a lot of importance in the recent years. This paper tells us how this technology works, its applications. It is still under research and development stage.

Automatic vehicle location (AVL) is a computer -based vehicle tracking system. For transit, the actual real-time position of each vehicle is determined and relayed to a control center. Actual position determination and relay techniques vary, depending on the needs of the transit system and the technologies employed. Transit agencies often incorporate other advanced system features in conjunction with AVL system implementation. Simple AVL systems include: computer -aided dispatch software, mobile data terminals, emergency alarms, and digital communications. More sophisticated AVL Systems may integrate: real-time passenger information,automatic passenger counters, and automated fare payment systems. Other components that may be integrated with AVL systems include automatic stop annunciation, automated destination signs, Vehicle component monitoring, and Traffic signal priority. AVL technology allows improved schedule adherence and timed transfers, more accessible passenger information, increased availability of data for transit management and planning, efficiency/productivity improvements in transit services .

   Download :     Full Report (.doc)

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Anonymous said...

please send ppt urgent

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