Monday, January 18, 2010

Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc

C3D or constellation 3D’s innovative technology enables the recording,reading and storing of information on many layers within a storage media.Flourescent materials are embedded in the pits and grooves of each layer of the media and information is then stored and retrieved using the principles of fluorescence ,instead of optical reflection as currently used with CDs and DVDs .The media can be produced in card or disk format of any size. This technology holds the promise of exciting new applications and vast commercial potential. The ability to store data on multiple layers within the media allows the creation of compact removable storage devices with amazing capacity.
Constellation 3D’s planned first generation disk, in standard (120mm diameter and 1.2mm thick)DVD format, will store up to 140 gigabytes in 10 layers .As production techniques using this technology evolve ,the number of layers and the distance between them will shrink ,eventually allowing terabytes of data to be stored on a single disk. Factors such as the ability to read simultaneously from multiple data layers allow exponential increase in data access and retrieval speeds, eventually resulting in retrieval speeds of 1 gigabyte per second.

Other new technologies, such as the simultaneous reading of multiple sectors within a single layer, can bring yet further increase in speed and provides true 3-dimensional data access/retrieval time. The implications of all of this for the data storage industry are enormous, as the technology offers quantum improvements in storage capacity, access/retrieval speeds and cost per gigabyte –in a compact, rugged and portable media format. A whole new range of applications and devices will be spawned, which take advantage of these superior capabilities.

   Download :     Full Report (.doc)   Presentation (.ppt)

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