Monday, January 18, 2010


                          Robocode is an environment in which virtual robots, developed in Java, can battle against each other. The robots simulate tanks in a battlearena, and in order to find other robots they are equipped with radars. A robot can move forwards and backwards at di®erent speeds and turn left and right. The radar and turret can be turned left or right independently of each other and the rest of the tank. And finally, the gun can be fired. When setting up a battle, it is possible to watch the battle played out on the screen, or just letting the computer simulate the battle without showing the 12 Robocode graphics. The latter will complete the battles faster, because the battle does not have to be rendered on the screen. When an enemy robot is spotted with the radar, an event is generated, and the appropriate action can be taken by our robot. It is possible to get information about the robot being spotted, such as velocity, heading,
remaining energy, name, the angle between the heading of your own robot and the robot being spotted, and the distance to that robot.

During the game these pieces of information will form the basis for the actions to be taken by our robot. For example when spotting an enemy robot, the gun could simply be told to firre. But in which direction is the turret currently pointing? Obviously, the gun has to be pointing in the direction of the robot you want to fire at. But with knowledge about the enemy robot's heading and speed, there are further considerations that can be taken into account when computing the direction in which the gun should be fired, because you have to compensate for the fact that the enemy is on the move. Such considerations will optimize the chances of hitting the target. Robots in Robocode can battle against each other in teams. By communicating with each other, they can exchange information about where they have spotted opponent robots etc. And based upon a chosen strategy, a robot might choose to run away from opponents or perhaps letting your team gather round an opponent robot, and try to take it out. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the environment in which the robots of Robocode fight. In order to understand this world it is necessary to understand the laws of physics that control it.

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1 comments: on "Robocode"

neena said...

Any one have ppt for this topic, I need it urgently

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