Monday, January 18, 2010

Digital Smell

In this modern age, computers have verified the cause of their existence. They have virtually taken over in every field of today’s fast life. Gone are the days when applications of computers were limited to official use only. Today computers have important place in every household purpose, and mainly internet has taken over whole world.There are various causes due to which computers have their own stand in our life. It provides a very good facility of fast processing, sound and picture. The virtual reality concept has provided very good features to the computer systems. The concept of virtual reality is introduced by the computer programmers to provide more attachments to the user. There are several concepts of the virtual reality that are available such as digital smell, virtual theater, electronics hand gloves, multipoint surround sound system, 3d goggles.

The digital smell is basically a hardware software combination. The hardware part of digital smell will produce the smell, and the software part will evaluate the smell equation and generate specific signals for specific smell and finally that smell will be produced by the device. The hardware device is a device like speaker, like speaker this device is also connected to the computer system. For this device there is also a driver program which will evaluate the digital equation for generating specific gas.

Until now, online communication involved only three of our senses - hearing, touch, and sight. New technology is being developed to appeal to our sense of smell. DigiScents, an interactive media company, is creating iSmell Digital Scent Technology, new software which will enable scents to be broadcast from the Web.Coding of aromas would be downloaded to computer similar to graphics images as audible sounds. Ultimately users will be able to create and modify their own fragrances and post them on the internet (2000). Also discussed the potential for creating smell capture cameras, which could add fragrances coding to images and sounds.
The "Savor the World" tagline illustrates the California-based company's aims to tap into the power of scent as a communication tool. "DigiScents combines the power of science with the fact that the sense of smell is as powerful and emotional trigger as any other sense," the Web site states.

This new technology will make it possible to send and receive scented e-mails and to add scent elements to Web sites, to name just a few of its applications.In future these devices will play very well role in our life, such as in Theater, Televisions, internet etc.

   Download :     Full Report (.doc)   Presentation (.ppt)

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3 comments: on "Digital Smell"

Alex said...

This is a good site and very much helpful for students, please keep this alive.

Rah said...

i cant download these files.what i do...anyone can help me plz..

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