Thursday, January 14, 2010

Network Coding

                           The essence of network coding is a paradigm shift to allow coding at intermediate nodes between the source and the receivers in one or multiple communication sessions. The fundamental insight of network coding is that information to be transmitted from the source in a session can be inferred, or decoded, by the intended receivers, and does not have to be transmitted verbatim.Network coding has been recently proposed in information theory as a new dimension of the information multicast problem that helps achieve optimal transmission rate or cost. End hosts in overlay networks are natural candidates to perform network coding, due to its available computational capabilities.
Network coding provides the features like minimize latency, increased throughput, bandwidth efficiently etc in both wireless and wired networks With network coding, intermediate nodes between the source and the receivers of an end-to-end communication session are not only capable of relaying and replicating data messages, but also of coding incoming messages to produce coded outgoing ones. Recent studies have shown that network coding is beneficial for peer-to-peer content distribution, since it eliminates the need for content reconciliation, and is highly resilient to peer failures. I would like to present the important features of network coding, the major algorithms with which it is implemented, and the applications of network coding.

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