Wednesday, February 24, 2010


                          Now days there are several navigation systems for positioning the objects. Several research efforts have been carried out in the field of Six Degrees Of Freedom estimation for rendezvous and proximity operations. One such navigation system used in the field of Six Degrees Of Freedom position and attitude estimation is the VISion based NAVigation system. It is aimed at achieving better accuracies in Six Degrees Of Freedom estimation using a more simpler and robust approach.

The VISNAV system uses a Position Sensitive Diode (PSD) sensor for 6 DOF estimation. Output current from the PSD sensor determines the azimuth and elevation of the light source with respect to the sensor. By having four or more light source called beacons in the target frame at known positions the six degree of freedom data associated with the sensor is calculated. The beacon channel separation and demodulation are done on a fixed point digital signal processor (DSP) Texas Instruments TMS320C55x using digital down conversion, synchronous detection and multirate signal processing techniques. The demodulated sensor
currents due to each beacon are communicated to a floating point DSP Texas Instruments TMS320VC33 for subsequent navigation solution by the use of colinearity equations. Among other competitive systems  a differential global positioning system (GPS) is limited to midrange accuracies, lower bandwidth, and requires complex infrastructures. The sensor systems based on differential GPS are also limited by geometric dilution of precision, multipath errors, receiver errors, etc.These limitations can be overcome by using the DSP embedded VISNAV system

  Download :     Full Report (.pdf)

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