Wednesday, February 24, 2010


                           After the Internet, sap r/3 is one of the hottest topics in the computer industry, and the company that developed it, SAP AG, has become one of the successful in the software market. The SAP R/3 system is targeted to most industries: manufacturing, retail, oil and gas, electricity, health care, pharmaceutical, banking, insurance, telecommunications, transport, automotive, chemical, and so on. All hard ware vendors, without exception, are fully engaged to partner with SAP: currently, AT&T, Bull, Compaq, Data General, Digital, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Pyramid, Sequent, Siemens-Nixdorf, and SUN has supported and certified SAP R/3 platforms. SAP AG was found in 1972 by four former IBM employees. Since its foundation, SAP has made significant development and marketing efforts on standard application software, being a global market player with its R/2 system for mainframe applications and its R/3 system for open client/server technologies. The company name SAP stands for Systems, Applications
and Products in Data Processing. It is a standard software package that can be configured in multiple areas and adapted to specific needs of the company. To support those needs, SAP includes large number of business functions, leaving room for further enhancements or adaptability to business practice changes.

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