Biomagnetism is a combination of two sciences; Physics and Biology. It is the science where specifically designed magnets and their energy fields are used to affect the living system- the human body or what is called the Body electric. There are some basic physical laws that come into play with the body electric. The body electric is the energy flow found in the human body. This energy flow is the collective result of minute electrical currents and cellular charge values that runs the body and all its function. Biomagnetism can change and elevate the electrical currents and charges thereby increasing the efficient of the body’s functional metabolism. A new field of scientific research called Biomagnetism was evolved after the major discovering of magnetic field associated with the flow of electric current in the human body. Biomagnetism deals with the study of magnetic contaminants of the body. The science of Biomagnetism applies a technology that was originally developed for the measurement of extremely small magnetic field in physics.
In Biomagnetism, magnetism fields produced by organs or by magnetic contaminants of the body are studied. The example of the fields arising from iron-bearing proteins in human liver. Magnetic particles may be found in the lungs and stomach where these are commonly introduced by environmental exposures particularly for workers in industries dealing with iron or steel. Biomagnetism is a science and should be taken seriously. When proper protocols are followed Biomagnets can help the body heal itself of even
chronic and long term conditions.
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