Friday, July 2, 2010

Ping of Death - Seminar on Denial Of Service

A ping of death (abbreviated "POD") is a type of attack on a computer that involves sending a malformed or otherwise malicious ping to a computer. A ping is normally 56 bytes in size (or 84 bytes when IP header is considered); historically, many computer systems could not handle a ping packet larger than the maximum IP packet size, which is 65,535 bytes. Sending a ping of this size could crash the target computer.

The Ping of Death uses a ping system utility to create an IP packet that exceeds the maximum 65,536 bytes of data allowed by the IP specification. The oversize packet is then sent to an unsuspecting system. Systems may crash, hang, or reboot when they receive such a maliciously crafted packet. This attack is not new, and all OS vendors have fixes in place to handle the oversize packets.

  Download :     Full Report (.doc)

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1 comments: on "Ping of Death - Seminar on Denial Of Service"

Anonymous said...

Report is not available at all!. So bad. I'll have to check other website now

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