Friday, July 2, 2010


                          The Internet, the Web, and E-Commerce have changed the very nature of business. Even if your company doesn't do all its business over the Internet, customers want to contact you now by e-mail and the Web. And if Web-based E-Commerce is your business, live intervention at the right moment can dramatically reduce abandoned transactions and make the E-Commerce model more profitable.Traditional businesses and dot-coms alike win by combining eCommerce and the contact center. Giving offline customers more ways to get in touch increases business and customer loyalty. And giving online customers live service and guidance can make them buy more, and buy more often.

The Fulfillment Direct Customer Relationship Portal gives you a solid foundation for a complete E-Business system. How? It integrates front-office, back-office, E-Commerce, and media applications, and lets youmanage them from one central point. The results? Success in the E-Business ageSo a whole new science has sufared aimed at helping businesses to hang on to their customers. Only, it is a very old truth which was instinctively practiced in an earlier more honest age a truth which can be encapsulated in three word: respect the customer but this is the era of fancy jargon: so it is known as Electronic Customer Relations Management(eCRM). 

  Download :     Full Report (.doc)

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8 comments: on "E-CRM"

Unknown said...

hey anoop ,i cant download e-crm full report...there s an option to download,but while i download its given as a notice that the application is not available...but related topics in this can be downloaded....plz give me full report and ppt for this...i need it ...urgent

Unknown said...

hi nisha, i think its a temporary server issue, please provide ur mail id, and I will sent u the report in mail. i don't have ppt.

Unknown said...

hi anoop,this is mail id is ''...plz send me d full report on e-crm ...urgent plzz...

Unknown said...

Anoop plz help me.i need this ecrm report.iam not able to download would be really kind of you if you send me the id is help me.its really urgent.

naveen kumar g said...

hi frnds please send me
(e-crm) full report and ppts to my id

Jaya said...

hi ,this is jaya please send me full report and ppt of e-crm to my id

Anonymous said...

Good information sir..

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