Friday, January 7, 2011


                           Mobile communication has been readily available for several years, and is major business today. It provides a valuable service to its users who are willing to pay a considerable premium over a fixed line phone, to be able to walk and talk freely. Because of its usefulness and the money involved in the business, it is subject to fraud. Unfortunately, the advance of security standards has not kept pace with the dissemination of mobile communication.
Some of the features of mobile communication make it an alluring target for criminals. It is a relatively new invention, so not all people are quite familiar with its possibilities, in good or in bad. Its newness also means intense competition among mobile phone service providers as they are attracting customers. The major threat to mobile phone is from cloning.

Cell phone cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to another mobile telephone.Usually this is done for the purpose of making fraudulent telephone calls. The bills for the calls go to the legitimate subscriber. The cloner is also able to make effectively anonymous calls, which attracts another group of interested users.
Cloning is the process of taking the programmed information that is stored in a legitimate mobile phone and illegally programming the identical information into another mobile phone. The result is that the "cloned" phone can make and receive calls and the charges for those calls are billed to the legitimate subscriber. The service provider network does not have a way to differentiate between the legitimate phone and the "cloned" phone.

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6 comments: on "MOBILE PHONE CLONING"

Rajashekhar Goud said...
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Anonymous said...

hello,plz can u upload sum pictures or diagrams regarding this topic also....
thank you...

Syam said...

can u provide the presentation of the this seminar..with pictures and diagram

Aneesh said...

Excellent topic.but i need the ppt also..

sadaf said...

hello can you please upload some pictures of this topic

siva said...

pls send the ppts of this to

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