Friday, January 7, 2011

Mine Detection Using Radar Bullets

                          Now a day in places like Afghanistan and Iraq we know that land mines are causing serious threat to the lives of civilians. The mines that are implanted during the wartime may remain undetected for several decades and may suddenly be activated after that. Also during wartime mines implanted by our enemy countries are to be detected and diffused properly in order to save the lives of our soldiers. So we should say that detecting landmines is important for every country today.

Land mines are a case of serious threats to the life of civilians, especially in mine-affected countries like Afghanistan and Iraq .The mines which are implanted during the war time may remain undetected for several decades and may suddenly be activated after that. There are several methods for detection of land mines, such as metal detection and explosive detection. These ways of detection are dangerous because they are done very close to the mine.

A safe method for detecting land mines is “mine detection using radar bullets”. As the name suggests detection is done using Radar Bullets and hence can be done further away from the mine. Detection is usually done from helicopters. Researchers are being conducted to overcome certain inefficiencies of this method.

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