Saturday, November 20, 2010

Petrogasoline Purity Tester

                           Recent years have witnessed dramatic progress in the design and development of fiber optic sensors as detection of chemical species is important in many industrial and chemical processes in addition to environmental control. Fiber optic sensors offer several advantages over conventional chemical sensing systems, specifically immunity to electromagnetic interference, possibility of distributed sensing over long lengths of fiber and their capability for safe operation in hazardous environments. Fiber optic chemical sensors include refractometric` sensors and evanescent wave absorption sensors, more recently indicator mediated, in which the evanescent field of guided light is absorbed by the chemical of interest.

Adulteration of petroleum products especially petrol and diesel has become a serious problem. Kerosene is the most important domestic fuel for economically weaker sections of society and hence is heavily subsidized. The large differences in the prices of petrol, diesel and kerosene, the easy availability of kerosene and the fact that it is miscible in petrol and diesel, make the unhealthy and unethical practice of adulteration of petrol and diesel. This not only results in less availability of kerosene to the poor, but results in severely damaging automotive engines and increased motor vehicle emissions which are a cause of major concern to environmental pollution.

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