Saturday, November 20, 2010


Three-dimensional TV is expected to be the next revolution in the TV history. They implemented a 3D TV prototype system with real-time acquisition transmission, & 3D display of dynamic scenes. They developed a distributed scalable architecture to manage the high computation & bandwidth demands. 3D display shows high-resolution stereoscopic color images for multiple viewpoints without special glasses. This is first real time end-to-end 3D TV system with enough views & resolution to provide a truly immersive 3D experience.Japan plans to make this futuristic television a commercial reality by 2020as part of abroad national project that will bring together researchers from the government, technology companies and academia. The targeted "virtual reality" television would allow people to view high definitionimages in 3D from any angle, in addition to being able to touch and smell the objects being projected upwards from a screen to the floor.

Three-dimensional TV is expected to be the next revolution in the TV history. They implemented a 3D TV prototype system with real-time acquisition transmission, & 3D display of dynamic scenes. They developed a distributed scalable architecture to manage the high computation & bandwidth demands. 3D display shows high-resolution stereoscopic color images for multiple viewpoints without special glasses. This is first real time end-to-end 3D TV system with enough views & resolution to provide a truly immersive 3D experience.

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3 comments: on "3D TELEVISION"

Anonymous said...

Hello sir,
Is 3D Tv topic is good to do final year seminar?

Anonymous said...

Is it a IEEE topic?

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