Free Space Optics (FSO) transmits invisible, eye-safe light beams from one "telescope" to another using low power infrared laser in the teraHertz spectrum. The beams of light in Free Space Optics (FSO) systems are transmitted by laser light focused on highly sensitive photon detector receivers. These receivers are telescopic lenses able to collect the photon stream and transmit digital data containing a mix of Internet messages, video images, radio signals or computer files. Commercially available systems offer capacities in the range of 100 Mbps to 2.5 Gbps, and demonstration systems report data rates as high as 160 Gbps.
Free Space Optics (FSO) systems can function over distances of several kilometers. As long as there is a clear line of sight between the source and the destination, and enough transmitter power, Free Space Optics (FSO) communication is possible.
8 comments: on "Free Space Optics"
please add ppt of this topic, its urgent
even me too want the ppt of this topic. will you upload it soon
Presentation for free space optics added.
please send ppt to thiis emal
Please download the ppt from the given link.
please add ppt and seminar report on tera hertz optical network
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its very urgent plz add....
please some body upload report on
optimising free space optics for wireless networks
please send ppt and seminar report on free space optics to
plz its very urgent
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