Saturday, August 28, 2010


Advances in e-commerce have resulted in progress towards strategies, requirements and development of e-commerce application. Nearly all the e-commerce applications envisioned so far assume fixed or stationary users with wired infrastructure, such as a browser on PC connected to the internet using phone lines on LAN.

Many people do not use a PC outside the office, but keep the mobile phone at their side all the times. Mobile commerce is perfect for this group.M-commerce allows one to reach the consumer directly, not his fax machine, his desk, his secretary or his mailbox, but ones consumer directly, regardless of where he is.M-commerce is “the delivery of electronic commerce capabilities directly into the hands, anywhere, via wireless technology” and “putting a retail outlet in the customer’s hands anywhere.” This can be done with just a mobile phone, a PDA connected to a mobile phone or even a portable PC connected to a mobile phone. M-commerce is also termed as wireless e-commerce.

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1 comments: on "M-Commerce"

santa said...

Awesome. I heard this is really useful for social marketplace sites like wholesale interested shippers. It's true, there is such a social blogger style out there these e commerce trends.

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